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发布时间:2024-06-20 10:00    浏览次数:


Course topic: From landscape to space (International design workshop cooperated with Polytechnic University of Marches, Italy) 



       This design workshop is jointly organized by the College of Landscape Architecture and Art of Henan Agricultural University and the Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy. It is open to undergraduates in the second year or above of the College. It is a general design course that focuses on cultivating design thinking and landscape spatial aesthetics and emphasizes practical and creative ability.
       As the first university in Italy to obtain the comprehensive international standard ISO9001 quality system certification, the curriculum system of Marche Polytechnic University has a strong openness and flexibility. Based on this, the aim of the workshop is not only the training of professional skills, but also the cultivation of students.
       The perception ability of landscape, space, form and material can improve the aesthetic ability of space and stimulate the interest in design. At the same time, in the face of the need to strengthen the training of international talents in the construction of new agricultural science, enrich students' overseas study experience, expand students' international vision, focus on cultivating international high-quality talents. comprehensively improve the quality of talent training, and serve the construction of world-class agricultural universities with Chinese characteristics. 


     (时间九天,拟于2024年7.11-7.19进行,采用“联合设计+课题研究+城乡考察+联  合评图”等形式,理论与实践相结合)
       (Duration nine days, tentatively scheduled for July 11th to July 19th of 2024, using forms such as "Joint Design + Research Topics + Urban and R ural Site Inspections + Joint Review of Drawings", combining theory with practice.)
7.11 国内出发(具体航班待定)
Domestic Departure (Specific Flight to be Determined)
7.12 启程途中
En route
       乘坐航班抵达意大利 ,于罗马休整,乘车前往马尔凯
       Arrival in Italy by flight, with a stay in Rome for adjustment, followed by ground transportation to Marche.
7.13 课题研究:从结构到空间
Research Topic: From Structure to Space
       Morning itinerary includes a tour of Ancona, highlighted by a visit to the Conero Natural Reserve, managed by Marche Polytechnic University, under the guidance of a university professor.
       In the afternoon, the plan is to explore the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Holy House of Loreto Church, followed by arrival at an agritourism accommodation, where tasks related to environmental protection will be completed.

7.14 城乡考察:从场所到城市

Rural-Urban Exploration: From Place to City
       Today's itinerary involves a tour of Macerata, including visits to churches, Piazza Matteo Ricci (dedicated to the renowned Jesuit missionary who was born in this city), and the National          Archaeological Museum. There will also be a meeting with local council members, followed by sketching sessions within the city, allowing for artistic impressions of the urban landscape.

7.15 联合设计

Joint Design
       Group Project, Design and Drafting

7.16 联合评图

Joint Critique Session
       Group Project, Design and Drafting

7.17 城乡考察+参观研讨

Urban and Rural Exploration + Visitation and Seminar
       前往特伦蒂诺市,参观沙发中的爱马仕(Poltrona Frau)的工厂与博物馆,参观特伦蒂诺市中心,并对地震受灾的历史中心进行写生与设计作业
       Travel to Trento, visit the factory and museum of Poltrona Frau, the Hermès of sofas, explore the city center of Trento, and conduct sketching and design exercises in the historically earthquake-stricken areas.

7.18 参观学习

Study tours
       Relax by the seaside, and visit Torre delle Palme, one of Italy's most beautiful villages.

7.19 返程

招生计划 10-15人
Participants 10-15 students:



Application requirements:

       Open to second-year undergraduate students and above from the College of Landscape Architecture and Art (covering five majors: Landscape Architecture, Urban and Rural Planning, Gardening, Environmental Design, and Product Design). 

申请截止时间 2024/6/11
Application Deadline: 11th, June, 2024 

联合主办 Co-organized by

       Henan Agricultural University College of Landscape Architecture and Art - University of Marches, Italy 


       蒋鹤 13838120306 李雨澍 18623780603


       He Jiang 13838120306 Yushu Li 18623780603