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E - mail: sisyrin@henau.edu.cn
2006.09-2010.07 郑州轻工业大学 经济学 学士
2009.02-2010.02 首尔市立大学 环境园艺学  交换生
2010.09-2014.08 首尔市立大学 环境园艺学  博士
2014.09- 至今      河南农业大学 园林植物与艺术学院 讲师,副教授
1. 高温条件下切花月季“弯梗现象”的发生机制探析 (31701946),国家自然科学基金,2018.01-2020.12,结项,主持
2. 河南省切花月季夏季高产高质栽培技术研究 (192102110154),河南省科技攻关项目,2019.01-2020.12,结项,主持
3. 月季内源激素和花器官发育A类、B类基因在弯梗月季形成中的作用(KJCX2017A04),河南省农业大学科技创新基金,2017.01-2019.12,结项,主持
4. 切花月季弯梗形成原因探析,河南农业大学青年基金, 2015/01-2017/12,结项,主持
省级:2020年河南省教育系统教学技能竞赛(大学理科) 二等奖
2020年河南省本科教育线上教学优秀课程 一等奖
2020年河南省本科高校课堂教学创新大赛 二等奖
2018年获得第二十二届全国教育教学信息化大奖赛暨河南省第四届信息技术与课程融合优质课大赛 二等奖
2016年获得河南农业大学第十二届计算机课件制作竞赛 一等奖
2017年获得河南农业大学第三届“课堂育人”说课大赛 二等奖
2017年获得河南农业大学青年教师讲课大赛 二等奖
2017年获得河南农业大学信息技术与课程融合优质课大赛 一等奖
2020年获得河南农业大学青年教师课程教学创新大赛 一等奖
2020年获得河南农业大学线上教学优秀课程 二等奖
1. Shi Liyun, He, S., Wang, Z. and Kim, W.S. Stomatal and non-stomatal limitations of Rosa hybrida 'Pink Bell' under drought stress. Acta Hortic. 2020, 1291, 117-130
2. Shi Liyun, He, S., Wang, Z. and Kim, W.S. Influence of Nocturnal Supplemental Lighting and Different Irrigation Regimes on Vase Life and Vase Performance of the Hybrid Rose ‘Charming Black’. Horticultural Science and Technology. 2021.
3. Shi Liyun, Wang Z, Wan S K. The role of slab water content during supplemental lighting on shoot growth and physiological response of cut rose 'Charming Black'[J]. Horticulture Environment & Biotechnology, 2019, 60(3).
4. Shi Liyun, Wang Z, Wan S K. Effect of drought stress on shoot growth and physiological response in the cut rose ‘charming black’ at different developmental stages[J]. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology, 2019.
5. Shi Liyun, Wan, et al. Effect of drought stress during supplemental lighting on diurnal photosynthesis of cut rose 'Charming Black'[J]. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology, 2015, 56(5):582-587.
6. Shi Liyun, Kim W S. Shoot growth and physiological disorder of cut rose 'charming black' as affected by drought stress during nocturnal supplemental lighting[J]. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology, 2014, 55(2):91-96.
7. 石力匀, 王政, 李明霞等. 切花月季生理病害及相关性状分子研究进展[J]. 河南农业科学, 2018, 47(10):7-12.
8. 石力匀, 王政, 何松林等. 切花月季弯梗现象的形态解剖学观察[J]. 河南农业科学, 2020(49); 548(09):126-134.
9. 石力匀, 张曼, 李南. 植物科学画在《园林植物学》教学及实践中的应用[J]. 教育教学论坛, 2019, 000(016):188-191.
10. Wan S K, Shi Liyun. Co-effectiveness of Supplemental Lighting and Irrigation in Conjunction with Compensation for Midday Depression of Photosynthesis of Cut Roses[C]// Ashs Conference. 2014.
11. Shi Liyun, Lee S K, Wan S K. Effects of Drought Stress at Different Flower Bud Development Stages on Shoot Growth of Rosa hybrida ‘Charming Black’ under Supplemental Lighting[J]. 원예과학기술지 제32권 별호Ⅰ, 2014.
12. HS Ji,Shi Liyun, KL Min,SK Wan. Carbohydrate Distribution and Phytohormone Biosynthesis in Bent Peduncle Phenomenon Flowering Shoots of Greenhouse5.Roses[J]. 원예과학기술지 제30권 별호Ⅱ, 2012.10.
13. Shi Liyun,, Lee S K, Ji W P, et al. Effects of Irrigation on Water Content, Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Rosa hybrida‘Charming Black’under Supplemental Lighting[J]. 원예과학기술지 제31권 별호Ⅰ, 2013.
14. Shi Liyun,, Lee S K, Wan S K. Diurnal Changes of Photosynthetic Rate in Rosa hybrida ‘Charming Black’under Two Irrigation Regimes with Nocturnal Supplemental Lighting[J]. 원예과학기술지 제31권 별호Ⅱ, 2013.
15. Shi Liyun,, Ji H S, Lee S K, et al. Effect of Irrigation on Growth, Flower Quality, and Water Content of Rosa hybrida‘Pink Bell’ under Supplemental Lighting[J]. 원예과학기술지, 2012, 30:141-141.
16. Shi Liyun,, Lee S C, Ji H S, et al. Effect of Water Stress on Rosa hybrida‘Pink Bell’ under Supplemental Lighting[J]. 한국원예학회 학술발표요지, 2012.